# H.G.Wells

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In this chapter, Mr. Heelas, a neighbor of Mr. Kemp, who refused to believe in the Invisible Man, wakes up to the siege of Kemp's house. He witnesses strange things happening, including Dr. Kemp helping the housemaid escape through the window. Kemp then runs away, evading observation. The chapter concludes the story of The Invisible Man.

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Chapter 5 of The Invisible Man by H.G.Wells tells the story of a burglary at the vicarage, which was witnessed by the vicar and his wife. The chapter describes the events leading up to the burglary, including the sounds heard by Mrs. Bunting and the actions taken by the Rev. Mr. Bunting. The chapter ends with the burglar escaping, leaving Mr. and Mrs. Bunting unsure of what to do next.

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In Chapter 1 of The Invisible Man by H.G.Wells, a stranger arrives in Iping during a snowstorm and seeks shelter at the Coach and Horses inn. Mrs. Hall, the innkeeper, is excited to have a guest and prepares a meal for him. However, she notices that the stranger is still wearing his hat and coat and seems lost in thought while staring out the window at the snow. The chapter ends with the snow melting off the stranger's shoulders and dripping onto Mrs. Hall's carpet.

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In chapter 22 of The Invisible Man by H.G.Wells, the protagonist finds himself in the middle of a snowstorm with no refuge. He decides to seek shelter in Omniums, a large establishment where everything can be bought. He manages to enter and wanders around the shop, feeling unsafe among the people. The chapter ends with him leaving the shop and continuing his search for shelter.

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This page provides links to all 28 chapters of the book 'The Invisible Man' by H.G.Wells, available on VK social network. The book tells a story of a scientist who discovers the secret of invisibility and uses it to terrorize a small town in England. Each chapter can be accessed by clicking on the provided link.

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In this chapter, Kemp and Adye discuss the danger that the Invisible Man poses to society and come up with a plan to catch him. They must prevent him from leaving the district and set a watch on trains, roads, and shipping. The country-side must begin hunting him day and night, and all food must be locked up and secured. The Invisible Man is a danger and a disaster, and unless he is pinned and secured, it is frightful to think of the things that may happen.

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In this chapter, the Invisible Man is seen leaving Kemp's house in a state of fury and injuring a child in the process. He disappears for a few hours before reappearing in Hintondean, where he begins to plan his revenge against humanity. Meanwhile, a growing number of men are searching for him, and he is now seen as a tangible threat to be captured or overcome.

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In chapter 27 of The Invisible Man by H.G.Wells, Kemp receives a threatening letter from the Invisible Man, announcing the start of the Terror and claiming control over Port Burdock. The letter also declares Kemp as the first victim of the Terror, with his death starting on that day. Kemp prepares for the worst as he awaits the arrival of the unseen Death.

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A stranger arrives in Iping village with remarkable luggage, including a box of big, fat books and glass bottles. Fearenside's dog attacks the stranger, tearing his glove and trouser leg. The stranger appears unfazed and demands the boxes be brought to him.

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The Invisible Man walks down the stairs for the first time and experiences difficulty due to not being able to see his feet. He feels exalted and revels in his extraordinary advantage. However, he is hit violently behind by a man carrying a basket of soda-water syphons. The Invisible Man twists the basket out of the man's hand and a cabman tries to take it from him. In the confusion, The Invisible Man backs against a shop window and prepares to dodge out of the crowd.

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